This program will familiarize the applicant with the requirements for operating in RVSM
airspace and fulfi lls the requirements of SPA.RVSM.105 ( c ). The training highlights
the special requirements for different RVSM airspace around the world.
An operator shall not operate an aircraft in this RVSM airspace unless an RVSM
approval has been granted.
Our RVSM course describes the requirements, operation as well as limitations to operate
in RVSM airspace and fulfils the training requirements according EU-OPS.
The International RVSM Training includes the following topics:
- What is RVSM
- Why RVSM
- Objectives
- Approval Process
- RVSM Performance
- Equipment for RVSM Operation
- Height Monitoring
- Operating Practices and Procedures
- Flight Planning Procedures
- Related Regulations
- ATC/Pilot Procedures / RVSM
- TCAS / ACAS requirementsWhat is RVSM
RVSM Regions included:
North America, South America, Europe, China, Russia, Australia and South Africa.